Letter to Humans
Dear Human,
You may not have noticed us, but we have been among you forever. You may not realize it, but yes, we are, in fact, aliens. We are the oldest alien species on Earth. None of us were born alien. We were once humans, who have been transformed one by one, by no wish of our own, usually through a most painful process. Alienhood is an ongoing progression. We become more alien-like everyday, until we find that being alien is more human than a born human. This grandeur is what a lot of us have been trying to convey to you, albeit often in a misguided manner that you may find awful. Please remember that we are aliens, thus we are sometimes too eager to please (or annoy) humans. This just means you humans are very important to us. We love you in our strange alien way. We are strange beings who believe in the unbelievable. Grand stuff that only aliens will and can believe. Like we are adopted by a celestial being far, far away yet always close by. Like there is an ongoing spiritual war hovering over our heads and raging in our hearts. Like there is a sky of eternal magnificence and a pit of eternal fire. Like the world as you know it will come to an end tomorrow. Or next year. Or maybe in a couple million years. We got the name Christians, which can mean very little or too much in this world. Depending on the progress of our alienation, our behavior varies on the wide spectrum of 120% human to 99% alien. For this reason, it is more accurate to describe us as humaliens. Please note that there are no 100% alien, at least not yet. There shall always be a fraction of human within us until our extraterrestrial Father comes to pick us up to head to infinity and beyond. You must find us very strange. That is normal. We are no human. And after a while, you start to look a little strange to us also. We are often quite awful, but we are supposed to be awesome. At least we are supposed to strive to be. The ongoing result is that we are awesome when we are not awful. So bear with us. Be Grand, Expression A.D. 2016 |
Yes, the Outer Space is even scarier. I am glad we agree.
About Expression• Like many aliens, studying and dissecting human behavior is my mission and hobby.
Awful Christian Dating• The awfulness of Christian dating and how to survive it
Awesome Expression• Personal awesomeness by an alien named Expression